About Me!

I'm a creative; I'm smart-ish, funny (I hope) and permanently hungry...I love to read, draw, build (terrible) robots, take photos and eat... Please follow me by email and on Google+
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Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Choc-Chip Mug Cake

Hi everyone!

I love food, especially cakes. So I wanted to share the best ever mug cake recipe, it's so light and fluffy and really yummy!

First of all this is what you will need:

  • 4tbsp self-raising flour (white is best, but if you only have wholemeal then use wholemeal)
  • 2tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/4tsp baking powder
  • 3tbsp milk
  • 1/8tsp vanilla (I add more for extra yumminess!)
  • 1/2tbsp melted butter (does not have to be cooled)
  • 2tbsp chocolate chips (or you could just add more...)
Then the recipe is as simple as anything: You just combine everything except for the chocolate chips in a large mug. 
Sugar yum.

Make sure that it's got no lumps of flour or sugar. 

Then stir in half the chocolate chips and sprinkle the rest on top!

Chocolate yum.
Then microwave for 1 minute. Simples!
cake time!
I admit, it's not the most appetising cake ever, it doesn't look great, but it tastes amazing! Please make one and tell me what you think :)

Eve out :3
p.s I have been sick for a few days, hence the lack of new posts...This post I actually made a week ago, but have only just got around to publishing!

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